Monday, July 1, 2024

6/30/24 - layover day 3 in Waterford- Farmers market, more waterfalls and friends of Bill

Local setting up his stand for the farmers market
He was selling hot dogs 
Looks like a player…anyone want to buy a weiner? 

We awoke to another drizzly morning with chances of rain continuing through the morning.   Most of the rain skirted us which did allow for some vendors of the Waterford farmers market to come out and display their wares.   We had a mostly relaxing and lazy morning carousing the market directly on the wall where we are docked and came away with a few goodies.  Maple glazed cashews, a dozen farm fresh eggs and a nice bag of veges for salads and shish kabobs made their way aboard.  

                                                  Breakfast sandwiches with a little live music 

Around 11am we headed off on our bikes into the adjacent town of Cohoes to visit the Waterford Historical Museum and the Cohoes Falls View Park.   Learned some more interesting history of the area and saw some nice sites.  Our ride was followed up by yet more relaxation and a nice nap.  

Cohoes Falls View Park
We got scolded for “missing” the NO dogs allowed sign 😝 

Cohoes Historical Museum

Harmony Mills Lofts apartments 
In the late 1800’s through early 1900’s this was the largest cotton mill in the world 
Pic doesn’t do justice to how big it is
It stretches multiple blocks with spectacular views of the falls below 

Cohoes Falls 

We cooked up chicken and fresh vege kabobs on the grill for dinner and as we were starting to eat a guy approached the boat inquiring whether we were friends of Bill Wilson.  A nice conversation of recovery gratitude and life ensued.   We strolled the docks for a while striking up conversations with several loopers who had come in the evening before and/or earlier in the day meeting people from Georgia, Florida, New York, Minnesota, New Jersey, Canada, and the UK.  Neat to converse with folks from so many different places.  At a Lyle after 7pm we headed back off on our bicycles to attend a meeting where we again saw Mitch (fella who we had met earlier on the wall) as well as several folks we had met at Friday evenings meeting.  Can’t go wrong with discussions of gratitude and waiting for miracles!  

Afternoon entertainment was this photo shoot next to our boat of a scantily clad lady 

Back at the boat around 9:30pm and still not overly tired (chill days, naps and evening coffee probably played in) we found an action movie on Netflix that we laid in bed to watch until after the witching hour when we fell peacefully asleep.  

A guy at the farmers market had a drone and took and shared these shots with us
We are buying a couple of matted prints from him
He’s supposed to deliver them to us tomorrow

Sunset as we were crossing the bridge from Peebles Island on our way home

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7/2/24 Waterford to Shady Harbor - Yes we moved!!!!

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