Large ship of some sort lumbering by our slip in Grand Haven in the pre dawn hours
Hazy sunrise as we were departing Grand Haven idling down the Black River
The lake and weather forecasts were accurate and we awoke to calm winds and waters. Shoving off the dock in Grand Haven at 6:25am setting course for Ludington. The water was virtually flat with only very small, almost unnoticeable rollers. The further north we go the shoreline seems to get sandier and more dune like. Along the way today we saw several more lighthouses at small port inlets. Todays cruise covering 67.2 miles was a duration of about 5 hours and 45 minutes arriving in Ludington at 12:15pm.
Goodbye Grand Haven…..We enjoyed our stay |
It didn’t take long for the R&R gals to settle in under and on the comfy blanket |
The sun quickly began warming the crisp morning air |
Port of Muskegon just about 8 miles in to todays cruise One of several lighthouses we saw along the way |
More and more dunes along the shoreline |
Renee had made slip reservations at Harbor View Marina which used to be a private marina but now is municipal. It was slightly more costly than the other municipal marina BUT has a pool and hot tub! With the cool days and crisp nights we had been hoping to find a nice hot tub to relax in so Harbor View fit the bill.
(Space holder for hot tub picture that is not allowed because Renee won’t let Erik post bathing suit pics)
This weekend Ludington is celebrating its sesquicentennial (150th Birthday) as well as the 70th Birthday Bash of the ‘Badger’. The Badger is one of only two steam powered carferry vessels remaining on the lakes. It transports both cars and passengers across the lake between Ludington and Manitowoc Wisconsin daily. It was launched in 1952. Our marina slip is directly next to its port. Many people gather to see it depart at 9am each day and return to port at 7pm. We missed it coming in this evening because we were off exploring the town. So, thus far, we only have been able to see it sitting still about 100 yards from our slip silently spewing a small plume of stinky coal smoke into the air that wafted over to our boat….ahhhh nostalgia!
The Badger softly billowing coal smoke as it sat in port |
After spending part of the afternoon relaxing in the hot tub and laying out in the warm sun we caroused through the bustling town enjoying the sites and sounds of the festivities. A highlight of the evening included seeing the Anheuser-Busch Clydesdale team. It started at one end of town and made its way down the main drag stopping periodically to unload and deliver cases of brew to the establishments as it would have done many years ago. We had both seen the Clydesdales previously but it is always fascinating to witness their huge stature and beauty! Riva barked at and thought she might threaten them…lol. There was also a handsome dalmation riding aboard the coach who sat still looking very stately. At the advice of fellow loopers, Ben and Laura Stein, we were looking forward to a visit to ‘House of Flavors’ for some sweet treats of homemade ice cream. Another highlight came as we learned that House of Flavors would be dishing out FREE ice cream at the celebration. What….free ice cream?!? How could we be so lucky?!? The free scoop of birthday cake flavored ice cream was delicious but small; just enough to have you wanting more. Certainly fate will have us visit the actual establishment sometime during our stay here to experience some of coffee flavored creamy deliciousness.
Stately giants |
Now that’s a well behaved dog! Note the actual cases of beer that they would stop and deliver every few hundred feet |
Trust God Clean House Help Others But…don’t drink the Weiser
Cool police rescue boat with water cannon both sides that fold out to be level with the water line |
Free ice cream…… Did someone say FREE ICE CREAM?!? |
Riva, and us, were hungry and tuckered out so we retreated to the boat at 7pm where we grilled out burgers and asparagus for dinner. Full bellies were followed by pajamas, coffee, the remaining fresh strawberries and relaxation.
Sunset from the fly bridge |
Evening capped off with fireworks |
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